Micro sperm freezing/thawing solution
Single Lumen Needle
with Aspiration Line with Aspiration and Vacuum Line with Luer LockDouble Lumen Needle
with Aspiration LineIVM Needle
IVM NeedleEmbryo Transfer Catheter
RYDEN™ Catheter Towako Method EC-PRO Straight Catheter Precurved ET CatheterIntrauterine Insemination Catheter
IUI CatheterUltra-Fast™ Warm
Ultra-Fast™ WarmOocyte/Embryo Vitrification Media
Shrinkage Solution Oocyte / Embryo Vitrification Media (VT601) Oocyte / Embryo Thawing Media (VT602)Oocyte/Embryo Vitrification Device (Open System)
Cryotop®Oocyte/Embryo Vitrification Device (Closed System)
Cryotop®CLOocyte vitrification dish
Repro Plate Oocyte Cryo PlateOvarian Tissue Vitrification Kit
Ova Cryo KitPVP
PVPMicro sperm freezing/thawing solution
Oligospermia CryopreservationSperm Freezing
Sperm FreezeSperm Preparation Medium
SepaSperm®Sperm Counting Chamber
PentoxifyllineGamete Buffer
Gamete BufferPhosphate Buffered Saline
PBS(-)Culture Medium
Culture Medium IVM for GV and MI Stage OocytesPentoxifylline
PentoxifyllineFollicle Flush Buffer
Flushing BufferHTF Medium
HTF Medium Modified HTF medium with HEPESCulture Medium
Culture Medium Fertilization Culture Medium Single Step Culture Medium:IVMCulture Oil
Hypure® OilAcidified Tyrode's
Acidified Tyrode'sCalcium Ionophore
Calcium IonophorePVP
HyaluronidaseGamete Buffer
Gamete BufferPhosphate buffered saline pH7.4
PBS(-)Implantation Medium
ET Medium EmbryoNida®ICSI Injection Pipette
ICSI Injection PipetteHolding Pipette
ICSI Holding PipetteCapillary Pipette
Capillary PipettePasteur Pipette
Pasteur PipetteDropper
Center Well Plate Dish 35mm 9 Dimple Dish 5well-multiplate Center Well Dish EZ Center Well DishCentrifuge Tube
2 Position Round-Bottom Tube Centrifuge tubeDisposable Pipette
Disposable PipetteNose Spray
Nose SprayMicro sperm freezing/thawing solution
Sperm Preparation Medium
Sperm Freezing
Sperm Counting Chamber
Phosphate Buffered Saline